IT18D 03296 01601 000067277242
Maison de la joie - Ouidah
2^ arrondissement Quartie Gbenan - BP 645
Ouidah Benin
Maison de la Joie-ODV
Maison de la Joie ODV
Legal address: Via Orto Badia, 7 - Faenza (RA)
Donate your 5 x thousand
Tax code: 90036990399
If you want to help us with donations or remote support, you can contact (in addition to Flavio Nadiani) our NPO
Maison de la Joie - ODV
at Via Orto Badia, n.7 - 48018 FAENZA
Phone/Fax +39/0546-620713.
We remind you that donations are tax-deductible by specifying the reason: "Erogazione liberale a favore di MAISON DE LA JOIE-ODV." Please provide your full name, address, and tax code so that we can send you the receipt to use for tax deduction.
Donation of 5x1000
What is 5x1000?
It is an economic support for social organizations introduced by the 2005 Financial Law (Law 23 December 2005 n. 256, Article 1, Paragraph 337).
Why donate?
Because it is a gesture that costs you nothing, but it is worth a lot to us. There is no economic burden on citizens, and if you do not make a choice, your share will be lost.
How to donate?
Simply sign and enter the tax code of Maison de la Joie - ODV in the appropriate space reserved on your tax return form.
Tax code: 90036990399
If you want to cooperate with us or receive tourist information about Benin and our services
please contact Angela Gamberini at +39 329 2041293 or gamberiniangela@libero.it, or Franco Zedda at +39 338 9059517 or zedda.franco@gmail.com.
For information on distance adoptions, please write to
Download the adoption form
Membership form for humanitarian projects in Benin.
In relation to your project aimed at providing funding to promote the educational development and healthcare of children and adolescents living at Maison de la Joie - ODV, as well as promoting sustainable development of the community itself, I express my willingness to participate in your initiatives.
I undertake to provide one of the following contributions:
372,00 euros: annual full adoption (food, lodging, education, basic medical expenses)
400,00 euros: contribution for secondary school (partial coverage of expenses)
100,00 euros: annual school support (expenses and school supplies)
100,00 euros: annual health support (vaccinations, specialist visits)
Donation with a free amount (indicate the project to which you want to allocate the amount)
I will provide payment on the due date:
One-time annual payment
Semi-annual payment
Quarterly payment
Monthly payment
Other (indicate the frequency in the field below)
Donor Information
Last Name
ZIP code
Repeat E-Mail
Tax ID Number
For adoptions - study support - healthcare support:
Banca Fideuram
IT18D 03296 01601 000067277242
I hereby consent to the processing of my personal data in accordance with the law 675/96.
In the case of full adoption or scholarship, upon receipt, the project's secretariat will send a card and a photo of the child who will receive your contribution.